
A startup that revolves around making the lives of managing your pets’ data easy to handle. A community for pet lovers where multiple services will be offered soon. Founded with my Cousin – Karan Saraf


CEO and Co-Founder

Designed and Developed Website over wordpress. Designed all-important creative assets – Logo, Business Cards, Flyers, Etc. Hosted a Pet event in Bangalore that got titled “Biggest Pet event in Bangalore”


  • Start-up
  • Web Design
  • Web Development
  • Graphic Design
  • Logo Design
  • Photography
  • Event Organising

A Pet Start-up to Cater to All Your Needs.

Woofzoo is a Pet Startup that provides all services and products under one umbrella by pooling in various vendors and brands. Woofzoo will be your one-stop solution to ease your pet’s lifestyle and also build a stronger bond with them.

Bangalore's Biggest Pet Event 

We organized a Pet event at Therpup, Whitefield – on the 21st of august 2022 which was a grand success. Our event’s name was – Woofapalooza – a carnival to give your pet a fun day out.







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Event Photo Credits – Nikhil Rao

Website Development

Developed a Website over wordpress to gain online presence and to advertise to our audience. The Wireframe and design were drafted on Figma.

View Website

Branding & Design

Designed all Brand & Design assets – Logo, Color Palette, Cards, Flyers, Banners, etc. All items were designed on Adobe Illustrator